Hair Relaxer Cancer

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NCI Study Finds Probable Connection Between Hair Straightener & Uterine Cancer

A recent National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) report has shown an increased risk of uterine cancer among individuals that use chemical relaxers to straighten hair. Individuals that frequently used chemical relaxers (often defined as 4x per year) were over twice as likely to develop uterine cancer, as opposed to those who do not use chemical hair relaxers. In addition to uterine cancer, a 2021 study revealed women who frequently use relaxers are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer as well. As with uterine cancer, they are twice as likely to receive an ovarian cancer diagnosis se within their lifetime.

Chemical relaxers are used to straighten or relax curly hair by penetrating the hair cuticle and cortex layers to loosen the natural curl pattern. Treatments are repeated as needed to maintain the effect, which is now associated with higher risk of uterine cancer and other serious health conditions.

First Hair Relaxer Claim Filed

Since October 2022, numerous other hair relaxer lawsuits have now been filed. The first lawsuit filed alleges exposure to phthalates and additional endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair relaxers used lead to the development of endometrial cancer at 28 years of age, requiring a full hysterectomy before age 30.​

Brands relevant to the litigation include:

  • L’Oréal
  • Soft Sheen/Carson (Dark & Lovely and Optimum)
  • Dabur International
  • Namaste (Olive Oil Girls)
  • Strength of Nature Global (Just for Me, Soft & Beautiful and Motions)
  • Godrej Consumer Products
  • PDC Brands
  • Parfums de Coeur​

​Elevated Risk of Cancer – Chemical Hair Straightener Lawsuit

Hair products are expected to meet the rigorous safety standards required of cosmetic products to prevent dangerous side effects. Consumers should be able to trust their hair products are safe for use, and do not present a danger to their health; these expectations are the grounds on which current hair straightener lawsuits are founded. ​​​


​Call the hair relaxer cancer claims attorneys at Lundy LLP for your free consultation.

Lundy LLP is a nationally recognized law firm actively engaged in protecting citizens from corporate entities that place profits before safety. Our dedicated team of product liability attorneys are committed to holding companies accountable when their products produce devastating consequences. If you or a loved one has routinely used chemical relaxers and developed uterine cancer, consider contacting our experienced product liability hair relaxer cancer attorneys in Lake Charles, Louisiana, for an evaluation of your case. Consultations are free and without obligation so do not delay in calling to discuss your legal rights and the process necessary to protect those rights.​​

Hair Relaxer Uterine Cancer Claims Attorneys – Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Across the U.S.



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