
Jackey South 1954 -2022

Jackey White South

Jackey graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law in 1987. She practiced law for 3 years in Southeast Arkansas before relocating to Southwest Louisiana.  Jackey was admitted to the Louisiana Bar and joined the firm in 1991.  She then became a partner in 2008.

Jackey worked tirelessly on her cases and saw them through from beginning to end. She commited herself to working on Pro-Bono cases with every bit of tenacity as larger high-profile suits.

In Memoriam

A visiting professor said, “I happened to meet one of your partners today. Such a wonderful woman. I truly enjoyed meeting and visiting with her. I was wondering what is her specialty?” What is her specialty? I paused. This professor, at our office to serve as an expert witness in ongoing litigation, had already established his directness in our prior exchanges. Still, I felt unprepared. I suppose it is known that different lawyers have different skill sets and excel at different things. This question though gave me pause. What special skill set did our beloved partner, Jackey White South, possess? But, then, I was guided to a simple, clear answer. “People…that is her gift. Jackey is good with people, all people, in all settings, providing comfort and understanding when needed, demonstrating courage and a hidden tenacity when necessary.”

Indeed. Jackey White South carried a quiet gift extending well beyond the practice of law. At one point, Jackey discovered new members of her family. For many, this news may have been challenging. Jackey reacted as a joyful child on December 25. Jackey so often found a gift, a blessing, in things others overlooked. Jackey found the blessing in all things and, if you were willing, she would share this good news with you. She was herself a blessing to all. On July 30, 2022, for reasons never to be known or understood yet accepted, we lost our beloved partner, Jackey White South. It has been said the depth of the void left behind offers good measure of the person lost. There is a terrible void experienced daily. We hopefully carry forward in each of our lives and in this endeavor we share the joy, the spirit, the blessing that was our partner, Jackey White South.

​You are missed, Jackey.

Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury
  • Dangerous Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
  • Dangerous and Defective Products


University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law, Little Rock, Arkansas
J.D. — 1987

Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
B.A. — 1976

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

  • State of Arkansas, 1987
  • State of Louisiana, 1991
  • State of Texas, 1998

Honors, Awards and Appointments

  • 2014 Litigator Award, Top 1% Lawyers
  • Jim Ortego Pro Bono Award, 2014
  • ​Kiwanian of the Year, 2004-2005 & 2013-2014

Community Service

  • Pro Bono Counsel for Children in Need of Services (Children in State Custody due to Abuse or Neglect in Beauregard and Allen Parishes)
  • Free Legal advice clinics in Calcasieu Parish Public Libraries
  • Representative for SWLBA on the Calcasieu Parish Animal Control Hearing Board that hears and decides appeals citations issued by Calcasieu Animal Control
  • Kiwanis Club of Lake Charles
    • Coats for Kids
    • Bringing Up Grades (“BUGS”) program at Calcasieu Parish Elementary School
    • Annual Christmas Program for underprivileged children
    • Trainer Kiwanis Youth Protection Program

Professional Associations

  • Arkansas Bar Association
  • Louisiana State Bar Association
  • State Bar of Texas
  • Southwest Louisiana Bar Association
  • Southwest Louisiana Bar Foundation, Board Member
  • Kiwanis Club of Lake Charles, Board Member, Past President
    2005-2006, 2012-2013, Lieutenant Governor 2013-2014
Jackey White South
Jackey South, In Memoriam