Five Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer

Resources 9 Personal Injury 9 Five Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Lawyer
When searching for a personal injury attorney in Lake Charles Louisiana, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of injury attorneys you will find. The days following a serious injury can be difficult, and the weeks and months of recovery ahead can prove devastating financially; it’s why finding the right attorney for your injury is so important.

Choosing the right attorney for your case while injured or ill may seem too stressful a task, so we share a few insights in the hope of easing your task.

Knowledgeable and Experienced 
Choosing a personal injury lawyer specializing in your injury is crucial to obtaining adequate compensation. Why are knowledge, experience, and success in specialized areas of personal injury so important? The burden of proof lies with the plaintiff in injury cases. The importance of “strength” in organizing a persuasive argument, collecting evidence necessary to sway a jury, knowing the pitfalls of proving the injury, and experience arguing your case in front of presiding judges cannot be overstated. The knowledge of an experienced car, truck or motorcycle accident attorney is not the same as the knowledge of a maritime injury attorney, and an attorney that specializes in environmental law will not have experience in front of local personal injury justices.

The reasons listed above are not absolute but offer a solid start to finding a skilled personal injury lawyer. Experienced Lake Charles personal injury lawyers will be able to share their track record on injury settlements and awards for injury cases like yours. After the interview, they should be able to provide the likely range of compensation your case will end with. If you are uncomfortable with the scope, seek consultation elsewhere.

Passionate and Committed  
While important, experience and knowledge are not enough. Have you ever been around someone who projects confidence but lacks genuine interest in the conversation? Most of us have. If your interview with a potential attorney fails to make you feel they are passionate about your case, you can guarantee that you won’t be the only one that feels that way, including the potential jury and judge. You want to find an attorney who is passionate about their personal injury work and you feel is committed to helping you recover financially.

Finding an attorney who understands how your injury affects you, your family, and your future is not only comforting but essential to projecting the importance of your compensation to those charged with awarding it to you.

Our firm understands that finding the right personal injury attorney can be stressful and daunting, but remember, you are in charge. Go into the interview with a list of questions, and ensure your potential lawyer answers the questions to your satisfaction. Lundy, Lundy, Soileau & South understands the unique challenges personal injury victims face. Our team of specialized attorneys have exceptional ligation experience in their chosen field; if you have concerns regarding your car, truck, or motorcycle accident, call the office to speak to our team of passionate personal injury attorneys. Consultations are free of charge, and our firm only collects compensation if we win your case.




Over $1 Billion Won For Our Clients

Lundy LLP is one of the leading firms handling catastrophic and serious personal injury cases. Our attorneys have a vast array of experience and success in many fields, including cases and trials involving dangerous drugs, automobile, trucking and boating accidents, pipeline explosions, product liability, dangerous highways, railroads, aviation and wrongful death.

Commercial Litigation


Lundy LLP successfully litigated on behalf of our client securing a $10 Million award in connection with an oil well blowout caused by pressure from the defendant’s salt dome cavern leaking into the adjoining oil and gas fault block.

Catastrophic Brain Injury


Our client received a brain injury as a result of an explosion at a pipeline construction site.

Business Torts & Fraud


Lundy LLP filed a suit on behalf of our client for damages and lost profits resulting from the State of Louisiana’s failure to apply rules and regulations equally to all manufacturers of septic systems.