Dangerous and Defective Product Attorneys in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Home 9 Practice Area 9 Dangerous and Defective Product Attorneys in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Product manufacturers and distributors have a responsibility to make sure their products are reasonably safe and that the packaging adequately warns consumers about any potential dangers. Unfortunately, defective products harm thousands of people each year in the United States. Victims of defective products may be able to file a product liability claim to recover compensation for their injuries, lost wages and pain and suffering.

At the law firm of Lundy LLP, our lawyers have the experience and resources to pursue your product liability claim and obtain the maximum compensation you deserve for your losses. We will review the details of your claim, help to determine whether the product in question is defective and if it is in your best interest to file a claim against the manufacturer.

Contact us at Lundy LLP to learn more about product liability claims and what options you have for recovery. Schedule an appointment for a free initial consultation.

Examples of Defective Products

Our firm, founded in 1986 in Lake Charles, Louisiana, has handled product liability claims featuring a wide range of defective products, including:

  • Defective Medical Devices (i.e. Transvaginal Mesh Failure, DePuy Hip Repair and Stryker Hip Repair)
  • Defective Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
  • Auto Defects, Air Bag Malfunctions and Rollover Accidents
  • Defective Machinery

​Any product that is unreasonably dangerous could be considered defective, including products that were poorly manufactured or have a faulty design. A product can also be considered defective if there are not adequate warnings about potential dangers or if those warnings are not clearly marked.

Contact Lundy LLP

Our firm has experienced trial attorneys who will represent your interests in the courtroom when settlement and other forms of dispute resolution are not successful. If you or a member of your family has suffered an injury due to a dangerous or defective product, contact us at Lundy LLP to learn more about how our firm can help. Schedule an appointment to speak with one of our lawyers.
To schedule your free consultation with one of our experienced dangerous and defective products lawyers in Lake Charles, LA, call us today at 337-439-0707 or 800-259-1005 or contact us online using the form below.
We may be able to help you recover your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other associated expenses.



Over $1 Billion Won For Our Clients

Lundy LLP is one of the leading firms handling catastrophic and serious personal injury cases. Our attorneys have a vast array of experience and success in many fields, including cases and trials involving dangerous drugs, automobile, trucking and boating accidents, pipeline explosions, product liability, dangerous highways, railroads, aviation and wrongful death.

Commercial Litigation


Lundy LLP successfully litigated on behalf of our client securing a $10 Million award in connection with an oil well blowout caused by pressure from the defendant’s salt dome cavern leaking into the adjoining oil and gas fault block.

Catastrophic Brain Injury


Our client received a brain injury as a result of an explosion at a pipeline construction site.

Business Torts & Fraud


Lundy LLP filed a suit on behalf of our client for damages and lost profits resulting from the State of Louisiana’s failure to apply rules and regulations equally to all manufacturers of septic systems.