Our attorneys have extensive experience with tort claims related to exposure to environmental toxins such as ethylene dichloride (EDC), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and creosote. In addition, we have experience with litigation arising under the myriad of federal and state statutes and regulations governing the protection of the environment, natural resources and communities.
When companies dump or spill toxic chemicals and industrial waste, the environmental consequences can be severe. Contamination of groundwater, wells and soil can affect your property and health. Companies who fail to live up to federal, state and local environmental laws should be held accountable.
At the law firm of Lundy LLP, our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of, and a unique perspective on, matters of environmental law. For nearly 30 years, we have represented individuals impacted by contamination. Most recently, Partner Matt Lundy served on the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig “Deepwater Horizon” – MDL 2179, having been appointed by the Honorable Carl Barbier. Learn more about how we can help if environmental contamination has caused property damage or serious personal injury to you or your family.
Environmental Damage & Contamination
Our lawyers at Lundy LLP have handled a wide range of environmental and contamination issues, including:
- Oil and Gas Spills
- Industrial Air Pollution
- Groundwater and Well Contamination
- Improper Disposal of Industrial Waste
- Spills During the Transportation of Chemicals
- Emissions and Fumes from Industrial Facilities
In personal injury claims, class action lawsuits, and mass tort actions throughout the United States, our lawyers have recovered significant compensation for victims of environmental contamination and other negligent corporate practices. Determine if you may have a claim by talking with one of our attorneys.
Contact Lundy LLP
Our firm has experienced trial attorneys who will represent your interests in the courtroom when settlement and other forms of dispute resolution are not successful.
If your health or property has been adversely affected by exposure to toxic chemicals, contact Lundy LLP, toxic chemical attorneys in Lake Charles, LA to schedule an initial consultation. Talk with us about your situation and learn more about your legal options. Contact us online below or call 337-439-0707 or 800-259-1005 for a free consultation.