When do I need to hire a car accident lawyer?

Resources 9 Uncategorized 9 When do I need to hire a car accident lawyer?
Many car accident victims ponder the question of when and if they need to hire an attorney.  While the answer certainly depends on the severity of the accident, the following are general guides to help you determine the best course of action for your case.  For an exact answer, we highly suggest you seek the opinion of a competent personal injury attorney in Lake Charles, Louisiana.  Keep in mind; auto insurance companies retain teams of attorneys and insurance adjusters that begin evaluation of your accident claim as soon as you submit the claim.  With this in mind, it’s essential that you consult a personal injury attorney if you are seriously injured in a car wreck to level the negotiating playing field.

Facing a team of experienced personal injury attorneys working for the billion-dollar insurance industry on your own is not a prudent move.  While it is possible to make an injury claim alone, you are accurately at their mercy; they could determine your case is worth a thousand dollars, a few thousand dollars, or flat out deny your claim.  It is up to their team to value your claim, since you probably don’t know your legal rights, alternatives, or what you can do to fight them.  Their only job is to argue claims on behalf of their employers.  Going it alone without experience has a predictable outcome.

This article also covers factors worth considering when considering the best personal injury lawyer for their relevant case. Such as, aren’t all personal injury law firms the same, and why it’s essential to your case – that you select a lawyer (or law firm) that has trial experience.  We seek to answer these and additional questions that may arise.

When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
If you have been injured, you have one shot at obtaining compensation for your past, present, and future recovery needs.  Basing your decision to hire solely off a billboard, tv, or radio commercial is not the answer.  Not always, but many times these lawyers or firms operate in high volume cases and will not or cannot, for lack of experience, take your case to trial.  Instead, we suggest you seek an injury attorney or law firm with a great reputation and trial experience.  

Retaining competent and experienced counsel is crucial when you are seriously injured in a car or truck wreck.  Unfortunately, many victims attempt to represent themselves and commonly fail for a few clear reasons; insurance companies can afford to wait; their knowledge of similar settled claims, and they control the settlement offer.  They play the game of offering just enough to make you go away.  Often, the insurance company will make a settlement offer within days of your collision claim, hoping for settlement before your knowledge of the extent of your injuries. 

These offers are referred to a “nuisance value offers”.  The term used frequently by insurance claims adjusters to describe the “value” of the compensation they are willing to give you to make your personal injury claim go away. 

Once the settlement is accepted, there is little to no recourse for the victim if they discover their life-altering injuries.  A victim not represented by an experienced personal injury attorney in Lake Charles, La. is at a severe disadvantage when negotiating a settlement and at a greater disadvantage if the injury case should go to trial.  A claimant that represents him/herself lacks the experience necessary to negotiate with an insurance attorney effectively.  Claimants generally do not have a thorough understanding of negotiating medical bills incurred from their car accident injury, lack finances to retain medical experts, and generally cannot illustrate appropriate compensation commensurate with the injuries sustained and future medical need.

The short answer is:  You should hire a personal injury attorney when you are injured in an accident. Property damage and severity of injury aside, you want to engage your personal injury attorney as soon as you are mentally (and physically) able to do so.   Without intending to sound crass, the insurance industry is heartless. 

They do not care that you have a life to live, a family to provide for, or that your injuries sustained kept you out of college for a year.  Their only job is to minimize losses, and that is what your personal injury case is to the insurance adjusters and attorneys, a quickly settled, soon forgotten loss.  If you are seriously injured, you need an experienced personal injury attorney in Lake Charles, La. to gain the compensation you will need and deserve.


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