Why Would I Need to Higher A Personal Injury Lawyer

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Why would an individual or a passenger need to hire a personal injury lawyer in Lake Charles Louisiana when injured in a car accident?  We offer examples of situations where victims could benefit from enlisting the help of a personal injury attorney.

In a recent report the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shared that vehicle collisions cause $871 billion in economic loss and societal harm every year.  Actual economic impact of car wrecks including medical expenditures are over $277 billion every year.   

Societal injury from pain, continued suffering, decreased quality of life and loss of life costs $594 billion.   Those responsible for these accidents should be made to pay these costs.  The victims of those killed in a car wreck have the right to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim for compensation. 

The car wreck lawyers at Lundy, Lundy, Soileau and South, L.L.P. have helped Lake Charles car accident victims recover appropriate compensation for nearly 40 years.   

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reports, every 10 seconds someone in the United States is involved in a car accident.  Most of these accidents are avoidable, including those resulting from drunk driving, speeding, defective equipment, irregular or lack of maintenance, and other forms of negligence.  Rarely do the victims of car accidents receive just and equitable insurance settlements.  Your chances increase when you enlist the help of an experienced Lake Charles car accident law firm.

Our law firm can enlist the help of forensic accident specialist to identify the responsible party(s).  We use the word parties, because it is possible that an automotive defect or maintenance issue contributed to the accident.

In addition, we can also enlist the assistance of medical and economic experts to more accurately determine the long-term financial impact of a catastrophic or wrongful death accident.  Our Lake Charles personal injury attorneys give meticulous attention to every accident case we manage.  

Passenger Injury
Passengers of a car accident are also entitled to compensation for their injuries.  If you are injured as a passenger in a car wreck, see a doctor or go to the hospital immediately.  Your claim as a passenger may be against all negligent parties, this could include the driver of the car you were in when the accident occurred, and the driver of other vehicle(s) involved.  Information is critical as an injured passenger, .  notate as much information about the circumstances surrounding the accident as possible; identify the drivers of each vehicle, year – make and model of each vehicle, weather and road conditions, identify witnesses – obtaining their contact information (name, telephone, address and if possible their driver’s license number).  The information you gathered at the car accident scene may be key to you receiving compensation for your injuries.

Your Rights After a Car Accident Claim
Every driver in Louisiana is required to purchase auto liability insurance.  Auto liability insurance is required in Louisiana to cover the damage and losses of a victim(s) when the policyholder is the at-fault driver.   Victims should be fully compensated or “indemnified” for resulting economic and non-economic losses associated with the collision.

If an insurance company accepts their client’s responsibility, they will often settle a victim’s claim out of court.  When you enlist a personal injury attorney in Lake Charles Louisiana, your attorney can send a demand letter to the insurer entreating appropriate compensation for your losses.  Your attorney and the insurer will negotiate until a fair settlement is reached.  Your attorney then brings the offer to you to approve or disapprove.  If you agree to the settlement offer you may not change your mind after acceptance.  If at this point you have not enlisted the help of a Lake Charles personal injury attorney and you are still within the prescription period, consult with an attorney be accepting a settlement.  Insurance companies are notorious for pressuring victims of car wrecks into quick settlements for less than the value of their injuries.  Louisiana personal injury attorneys are here to protect your rights and fight for full compensation of your losses.

If time is closing on your prescription period and you have not reached an equitable settlement with the insurer, a personal injury – litigation attorney will suggest you take your case to court.  The serious injury attorneys at Lundy, Lundy, Soileau & South are experienced trial attorneys.  


Why would you need a personal injury attorney after a car wreck, car wreck layers Lake Charles LA, car wreck attorneys Lake Charles LA, serious injury attorneys Lake Charles La



Over $1 Billion Won For Our Clients

Lundy LLP is one of the leading firms handling catastrophic and serious personal injury cases. Our attorneys have a vast array of experience and success in many fields, including cases and trials involving dangerous drugs, automobile, trucking and boating accidents, pipeline explosions, product liability, dangerous highways, railroads, aviation and wrongful death.

Commercial Litigation


Lundy LLP successfully litigated on behalf of our client securing a $10 Million award in connection with an oil well blowout caused by pressure from the defendant’s salt dome cavern leaking into the adjoining oil and gas fault block.

Catastrophic Brain Injury


Our client received a brain injury as a result of an explosion at a pipeline construction site.

Business Torts & Fraud


Lundy LLP filed a suit on behalf of our client for damages and lost profits resulting from the State of Louisiana’s failure to apply rules and regulations equally to all manufacturers of septic systems.