Class Action Litigation Attorneys in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Home 9 Practice Area 9 Class Action Litigation Attorneys in Lake Charles, Louisiana

What is a class action lawsuit?

A class action is a type of lawsuit in which one or more people sue on behalf of a larger group of people. ​ While the subject matter of class action lawsuits can vary widely, two factors are almost always present for every class action:

  1. The issues in dispute are common to all members of the class, and
  2. The people affected are so numerous as to make it impracticable to bring them all before the court individually.

​ Depending upon the type of class action, resolution of the lawsuit binds all members of the certified class. ​ Many of our cases started as the result of complaints by one or a handful of people. If you have been harmed by a fraud, defective product, illegal conduct, or a deceptive practice, please feel free to call us today at 337-439-0707 or 800-259-1005.

What are some types of class action lawsuits?

Examples of class actions include claims by:

  • homeowners and residents affected by a toxic spill in their neighborhood;
  • consumers who purchased the same defective product;
  • consumers who were harmed by unfair business practices committed by a corporation;
  • patients who took a drug with undisclosed, dangerous side effects;
  • merchants and consumers who pay inflated prices for products as a result of the activities of large corporations; and
  • investors who are victimized by fraud committed in connection with the purchase or sale of stocks and other securities.

What are the public policy reasons supporting class action suits?

Class action lawsuits are designed to advance several important public policy goals. A class action is often the sole means of enabling people, even those with serious injuries, to remedy injustices committed by powerful, multi-million dollar corporations and institutions. As stated by former United States Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, “The class action is one of the few legal remedies the small claimant has against those who command the status quo.”
In other situations, each person within a large group may have suffered only limited damages and the cost of individual lawsuits would be far greater than the value of each claim. The total damages, however, to the class could be quite large. The wrongdoer would have no incentive to discontinue its misconduct but for a class action.
In the age of mass production and mass marketing, class actions are necessary to allow individuals to take on multi-national corporations, where the expenses of litigating would be otherwise prohibitive. The class becomes a de facto corporation for the purposes of suit, allowing individuals to band together and be equally matched against corporate defendants. Finally, where the defendant has engaged in a pattern of wrongdoing, a class action can provide an effective remedy for the group without incurring the costs of thousands of separate lawsuits and risking inconsistent decisions by the courts.

Why are class action lawsuits controversial?

Increasingly the public sees the class action lawyers, both defense counsel who work for hourly fees regardless of the outcome of the case and plaintiffs’ counsel who only receive a recovery if the class prevails, as the only winners in such a system. This image of class actions, however, is often advanced by organizations and large corporations seeking to undermine the ability of consumers and small and mid-sized business owners who would otherwise be unprotected against corporate misconduct. Without private enforcement of our rights through the civil justice system, we would be dependent upon government regulation to prevent and remedy corporate misconduct. The ability of corporations to prevent effective government regulation has been demonstrated repeatedly. A recent example is Toyota’s “success” in stopping federal regulators from ordering recalls of its vehicles that suddenly accelerated after the problem first came to the attention of the National Highway Traffic Safety Association. ​ Before any class action settlements may occur, the judge presiding over the case must give notice of the settlement to the class, allow all who wish to be heard to state their positions and/or objections, and approve the settlement, including the attorneys’ fees, only if the settlement and fees are fair and reasonable.

Contact Lundy LLP

Please contact our firm today to schedule your free consultation with one of our experienced class action lawyers and for more information about joining a class action lawsuit. Call us at 337-439-0707 or 800-259-1005 or contact us using the form below.



Over $1 Billion Won For Our Clients

Lundy LLP is one of the leading firms handling catastrophic and serious personal injury cases. Our attorneys have a vast array of experience and success in many fields, including cases and trials involving dangerous drugs, automobile, trucking and boating accidents, pipeline explosions, product liability, dangerous highways, railroads, aviation and wrongful death.

Commercial Litigation


Lundy LLP successfully litigated on behalf of our client securing a $10 Million award in connection with an oil well blowout caused by pressure from the defendant’s salt dome cavern leaking into the adjoining oil and gas fault block.

Catastrophic Brain Injury


Our client received a brain injury as a result of an explosion at a pipeline construction site.

Business Torts & Fraud


Lundy LLP filed a suit on behalf of our client for damages and lost profits resulting from the State of Louisiana’s failure to apply rules and regulations equally to all manufacturers of septic systems.